Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sell your old stuff on Internet

This is the Lesson Number 9 to make money on Internet :
Everybody has old knick-knacks at home that they have always wanted to get rid of...
Unfortunately, your wife / husband, disagrees ? Don't worry, the solution is on !

A pair of shoes you never wore because you hated them (but your mother / wife forced you to buy them at a time) ; an old blue bicycle (Motobécane-branded, of course...), which still works but that you don't use anymore because you got a new one for Christmas ; a pair of trousers you can't wear anymore since your childbirth (a Levi's one, too bad !...) ; rollerblades that your child don't use anymore since he got a skateboard ; a trumpet you hardly ever used since you have understood you would never be the new Chet baker... It is endless, as you can imagine !
On eBay, you can sell anything, and every object has got its buyer, somewhere... Remains for you to wait for him / her ! Fortunately, e-bay is made like the bidding. Once your object is on-line, there is a sell-by date so that you can be sure it will be sold, whatever happens.

What is crazy about e-bay is that you can really find incredible objects, like brand new things sold at very interesting prices, such as motos, clothes, vinyls, computers, books...

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