This is the Lesson Number 8 :
This is another way to make money on the Internet. If you are keen on a particular topic, such as jazz, literature, philosophy or any other like a scientific one, you may find on-line magazines or reviews who would be ready to pay you to write an article from time to time. You are afraid not to make enough money ? Then, you can also create your own e-newspaper if you are already a journalist but displeased of your lot, either you may be underpaid, or too much controled, censored in your writings...
"Rue 89" :
In that case, I will take the example of some journalists of the French newspaper « Libération » who prefered to leave and create their own blog (or e-newspaper, if you prefer) in order to avoid any manipulation from the advertisers who more and more controle the newspapers content... It is called
rue89 and was created on the 6th of May 2007. Symbolic day since it was the day of the second ballot of the French presidential elections which opposed Nicolas Sarkozy to Segolène Royal. It is an information website on which you can read debates about the news and participate to them. They created this blog because they were weary of coming out with clichés and wanted to be independant in order to have their own editorial line, without any pressure from the advertisers. In addition, this impulse was made at the beginning of the web 2.0 : the notion of participation was overwhelming and everybody was talking about it, especially in media. More and more citizens showed their will to express their opinion on any subject, and more and more collaborative platforms emerged, little by little. This motion was even more true in politics. The citizens did not want to be left out anymore.
In this way, the originality of this website lies in the way it deals with information. It is a kind of "3 voices information" : there are contributions of journalists, experts and Internet surfers.
According to Médiamétrie-NetRatrings, in September 2008 Rue 89 is placed 10th compared with the other French general information websites, if we look at the frequenting.
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