Toni Morrison, a Nobel Price of American Literature, told the great American writer Richard Ford and the Chilian writer Ariel Dorfman that Barack Obama is a poet. Indeed, the way he uses the English language and uses all its subtleties is really striking, above all when comparing to George W. Bush linguistic disaster. Obama, the first president provided with a "creative imagination" (Tony Morrison) ?
See the way Barack Obama speaks to his voters : he is so calm ! What presence and charisma !
This is an election which can give hopeness to all Americans : indeed, the significance and scale of his victory was recognised today by the outgoing president and commander in chief, George Bush. He added that Obama's "journey represents a triumph of the American story".
He was carried to victory by record voter turnout across the country, giving him a wider margin over his opponent, John McCain, than any other president in the past two decades.
At least 134 million Americans participated in the election, according to early estimates, representing more than 60% of eligible voters and shattering the previous record of 122 million.
At least 134 million Americans participated in the election, according to early estimates, representing more than 60% of eligible voters and shattering the previous record of 122 million.
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer," he said in his acceptance speech.
>> dailymotion
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