In the path of Bill and Melinda Gates, we (you, I, them, everybody who feels concerned by such issues) can act to help people in difficulty. To begin small to get bigger.
I chose to act in an individual way. Is it a good solution ? I really wonder if it is a good idea to help individuals in order to help and to give to charities. Indeed, the money or the time we will spend in one charity or another will be (I guess) better used than if I give this time or this money to one person I meet in the street. Who can know, however ? Because, sometimes, some people who do need help, will never go to meet organizations because they do not want this kind of help, for some different reasons.
I will talk again about this topic later refering to my personal experience.
For now, I would like to talk about "Action Contre la Faim" (ACF) or "Action against Hunger". Next Wednesday (not tomorrow), the 15th of October, that is to say in a week, there will be a really big general mobilization in 19 cities of France and in Paris, under the lenses of the media in order to sensibilize people to malnutrition problems in the world.
If you have time, go to before the stairs of the arch of the Defense : then you will participate to a big performance, kind of Freeze Mobs. The event will be created in a few minutes, simbolizing the opposition to change this scourge.
To support this Action, download your placard on the ACF website : actioncontrelafaim
Join the FB event : facebook
Or post the banner on your blog : http://acf.b-r-m.net/
Let's use the word of mouth to serve a cause !
So, here is an exemple of a small scale action...
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